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J. Douglas Coatsworth, PhD

Betsey R. Bush Endowed Professor in Behavioral Health & Associate Dean of Research

Phone: 865-974-9216
E-mail: dcoats[email protected]

J. Douglas Coatsworth, PhD is the Betsey R. Bush Endowed Professor in Behavioral Health and Associate Dean of Research in the College of Social Work. Prior to coming to the University of Tennessee, he was professor of human development and family studies and the founding director of the Colorado State University Prevention Research Center (PRC). His training is in clinical psychology and prevention science and his research expertise focuses

primarily on community-based interventions with special attention to family-based interventions to promote health and resilience for children and adolescents. He is a co-author of the Mindfulness-enhanced Strengthening Families Program (MSFP 10-14) that is designed to teach parents and youth strategies for brining mindfulness into their relationship. His work also centers around building collaborative partnerships with community agencies to develop and/or evaluate programs and practices that support healthy development across the lifespan. He has conducted both treatment and preventive intervention trials funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Institute on Food and Agriculture, and National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

Michael Mason, PhD

Michael Mason, PhD

Betsey R. Bush Endowed Professor in Children and Families at Risk

Profile Page

Phone: 865-974-9148
E-mail: [email protected]

Michael Mason is the Betsey R. Bush Endowed Professor in Children and Families at Risk in the College of Social Work. Prior to coming to the University of Tennessee, Dr. Mason was an Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and Director of the Commonwealth Institute on Child and Family Studies, in the School of Medicine, at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Mason

completed his undergraduate degree at Pepperdine University, his masters at San Diego State University, and his doctorate from Oregon State University. He completed a National Institute on Mental Health postdoctoral research fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, Department of Mental Hygiene.

Dr. Mason’s work seeks to understand and test the idea that substance use is a developmentally contingent social practice that is constituted within the routine social-environment of individuals’ lives. His work is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and state foundations.

Michael Mason’s Vita
Current Projects
Grant Funding
Recent Publications

Charles Glisson, PhD

Charles Glisson, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Charles Glisson, Professor Emeritus, is the founding director of the Center. He directed multiple interdisciplinary mental health services research projects since founding the Center in 1988. His research focused on organizational culture and climate, and their impact on client and other outcomes in child welfare and mental health services.

Charles Glisson’s Vita