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Philip Green, PhD

Research Scientist

Philip Green, PhD
Phone: 865-974-9131
E-mail: [email protected]

Philip Green has been with the Children’s Mental Health Services Research Center since 2001. He can be contacted about the OSC (Organizational Social Context) Measure and issues related to statistical analysis. He specializes in testing and statistical analysis and is responsible for disseminating, collecting,

analyzing, and interpreting the OSC Measure. His work with the OSC incorporates longitudinal data for staff and client outcomes, confirmatory factor models, normative samples, and hierarchical linear and non-linear modeling (HLM).

Phillip Green’s Vita

Connie Armstrong

Coordinator II

Connie Armstrong
Phone: 865-974-9154
E-mail: [email protected]

Connie Armstrong coordinates large research projects and is responsible for developing budgets and monitoring expenses for those projects. She also provides administrative support for preparing and submitting grant proposals, publications, and reports.

Shauna Cook

Coordinator II

Shauna Cook
Phone: 865-974-0633
E-mail: [email protected]

Shauna Cook coordinates large research projects and the submission of grant proposals, publications, and reports. She also develops project budgets and monitors expenditures.

Angela Gilley

Assistant Director of Budget, Finance & Operations

Angela Gilley
Phone: 865-974-9156
E-mail: [email protected]

Angela Gilley coordinates large research projects and the submission of grant proposals, publications, and reports. She also develops project budgets and monitors expenditures.